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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I get an evaluation or free copy of POPREP
A: Use the following link to Download POPREP

Q: How to configure mail relay through an Exchange 2003 Server
A: Exchange 2003 Mail Relay and POPREP

Q: How to configure POPREP to send mail through an Exchange 2003 Server
A: Exchange 2003 Mail Relay and POPREP

Q: How to configure Gogle GMail optimally for POP/POP3 and POPREP
A: POPREP with GMail

Q: How can I load an Email from File to a CDO Mail Object
A: A sample function can be located here

Q: POPREP 5.0 service stops without processing any mail, and a message "Nothing to Poll!! - Exiting" is written to the event log
A: This happens if you don't have any active connectors, see here for full explanation

Q: Can Software from Twistround LTD can be downloaded from any other sites?
A: Software from Twistround LTD can be located at these external sites: