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Email Forwarding Service
Mail Object

The Mail Object can be used within Event Scripts to retrieve or change properties of the mail.

Read Only Properties:

Returns the path of the folder where the POP3 Forwarding service binaries are installed.

Returns the name of the configuration used to recieve/send this mail.

Returns the folder where emails for this configuraiton are spooled.

Returns the unique ID (UUID) used to identify this mail

Returns the file name where this email is stored.

Returns the size of the mail, including headers.

Read/Write Properties:

Get and Set the list of user that the mail should be sent to, on entering the InSend method in the event script this property would be populated based on the configuration and rules as specified in the
Output dialog. Any changes made to this propert will be used by the service.

Get and Set the list of user that the mail should be copied to, on entering the InSend method in the event script this property would be populated based on the configuration as specified in the
Output dialog. Any changes made to this propert will be used by the service.


Returns the RFC822 Header from the email.

object.GetField(FieldName [,Separator])
Returns a specific field from the RFC822 Mail header. If the header contain multiple fields with the same name, they will be concatenated and a separator character will be inserted between each of the values. Default Separator is a comma ",".

Returns an array with all Field Names from the RFC822 mail header.

Returns any SMTP addresses from a RFC822 address field (To, From, Cc, Bcc, MailTo, etc.) Any mime encoded strings are decoded prior to parsing the address field.